Frank J. Robertz, Robert Kahr (eds.): Die mediale Inszenierung von Amok und Terrorismus [Media presentation of killing sprees and terrorism] reviewed by Guido Keel

School shootings, terrorism and suicides are all phenomena that center around fatal violence – and in which the media play a crucial role. The question of how the mass media can deal responsibly with this kind of event is therefore of interest from the point of view of both journalism and society as a whole.continue to article

Lutz Hachmeister, Till Wäscher: Wer beherrscht die Medien? [Who rules the media?] Reviewed by Lars Rinsdorf

A meta-trend in TIME markets, convergence has now made it into the title of this standard reference work on media structures. While previous editions of Lutz Hachmeister’s compendium still carried the title Die 50 größten Medienkonzerne der Welt [The 50 largest media corporations in the world], he has now shifted his focus to media and knowledge corporations. continue to article