Welcome to Journalism Research
As a profession, journalism is facing a crisis of renewal. To support it, the academic discipline of journalism studies is needed more than ever. The journal “Journalism Research” aims to raise the discipline’s profile. It is published as a freely-accessible online publication. Like traditional academic journals, it has fixed publication dates and uses quotable, numbered issues. “Journalism Research” is intentionally designed as an editor journal, not tied to academic institutions. Published at the same time, an English version with the same content is part of the concept. The editors are Stine Eckert (Detroit), Gabriele Hooffacker (Leipzig/Munich), Horst Pöttker (Dortmund/Hamburg), Gunter Reus (Hanover), Tanjev Schultz (Mainz), Martina Thiele (Tübingen), and Mandy Tröger (Berlin/Tübingen). The project is supported by Herbert von Halem Verlag and Presse-Haus NRZ. Learn more