
Which conditions engender the success of participation in local television? Editor Gabriele Hooffacker looks at various research projects at Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK) – they have examined the way citizen reporters contribute to local television.

How do the editorials of English Online Newspapers in Russia ideologically represent the U.S. Presidential Candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump? Swetlana Maschinez searched for answers in a critical discourse analysis.

The historical paper of this number is about Daniel Defoe as a journalist. Editor Horst Pöttker looks at Defoe’s self-understanding and professional ethos as a journalist. Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) not only wrote the novel Robinson Crusoe, one of the most circulated book in world history, but he also edited and authored one of England’s first political magazine The Review.

How can the state promote journalism? Carsten Brosda Senator for Culture and Media of the City of Hamburg, gives an answer to this question in his essay for journalism research.

Lutz Frühbrodt highlights the area of conflict between content marketing and journalism. His debate „The peculiar logic of the content marketer” asks whether content marketing has justified critics of established mass media? Or whether they are just lobbyists for their own cause.

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But now: Take pleasure in reading number 3 of Journalism Research!