Counter-narratives for »self-thinkers« An attempt to classify right-wing conservative »alternative media«

By Luis Paulitsch

Abstract: »Alternative media« have gained in importance for the far right in the digital space, while recent years have also seen a rise in similar platforms at the right-wing, conservative end of the spectrum. Although media projects like this represent alternative positions, their relationship with the criticized »mainstream« is much more ambivalent. This essay highlights various unique features that can be used to distinguish right-wing conservative media from other »alternative media.« The publications Tichys Einblick, eXXpress and NIUS are used as examples.

Keywords: Alternative media, right-wing conservatism, right-wing populism, counterpublics, Austria, Germany

Translation: Sophie Costella

Since the 2010s, we have seen a wave of »alternative media« being set up online. As well as digitalization, this has been fueled by turning points in society such as the »refugee crisis« of 2015/16 and the COVID-19 pandemic. »Alternative media« are a key means for populists in particular to create a narrative in digital echo chambers, outside the established news media (cf. Russ-Mohl 2017: 216). The website Breitbart News, for example, played a key role in Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 US presidential election. Relevant media such as Compact[1] (Germany), Uncut-News (Switzerland) and Wochenblick (Austria) also gained reach in the German-speaking world during this period (cf. Schwaiger 2021: 192).

Since then, the meaning of the term »alternative media« has changed somewhat. In the second half of the 20th century, media like local newspapers and independent radio stations consciously saw themselves as a counter-public sphere. From the turn of the century, the political right increasingly claimed the term (cf. Hooffacker 2020: 252f.). Today, »alternative media« are usually said to be close to right-wing populist or far-right parties such as the Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs (FPÖ) or Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). The most recent past, however, has seen further »alternative media« that maintain stronger links to the conservative milieu (cf. Bartlau/Posselt 2023). The author considers it useful to distinguish right-wing conservative from other (right-wing) »alternative media,« not least because these hold a particular position in the political public sphere.

»Beacon alternative media«

A broad spectrum of right-wing »alternative media« has formed in Germany and Austria, with very different content focuses and strategies. A study by Lisa Schwaiger provides a useful overview by conducting a network analysis of 178 alternative news sites in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (period: October 2018 to August 2019). Schwaiger differentiates between four types of »alternative media,« one of which is the revealers of mainstream lies. This type presents itself as an independent »media watchdog« able to uncover the alleged untruths of the media and political establishment. Critics, on the other hand, often link these media to disinformation and right-wing populism (cf. Schwaiger 2022: 145ff.).

Among these revealers of mainstream lies, Schwaiger found some publications that, although they represent alternative positions, have certainly made it into the »mainstream« that they themselves criticize by self-definition, for example through a professional look or comparably high reach. Because these publications are much more difficult to differentiate from traditional news media, they are considered »beacon alternative media« (cf. Schwaiger 2022: 202). Three relevant projects have been chosen for closer examination here: eXXpress (Austria), Tichys Einblick and NIUS (both Germany). In line with the type described above, all three position themselves as a counterweight to the dominant »mainstream.«[2] In addition, these three players in particular have been the subject of fierce criticism for some time now, including for their lack of balance and for campaign journalism (cf. e.g., Wolff 2015; Esslinger 2018; Fidler 2023: 184f.; Wienand 2024a; Tóth 2024).

The question arises of the ideological orientation of these »beacon alternative media.« The label »right-wing populist« would appear obvious, but the controversy surrounding the definition of populism means that this is not entirely productive (on this, cf. Müller 2016: 25ff.). Initially, the content of Tichys Einblick, eXXpress and NIUS overlaps significantly with parties like the AfD and FPÖ, especially regarding issues like migration, climate protection and »woke ideology.« However, these issues have now become stereotypical enemies for (moderate) conservative parties, too (cf. Biebricher 2023: 570ff.). In addition, many far-right actors like the »Identitarian movement« appear to make efforts to maintain a neutral distance – a key difference from many »alternative media« close to the FPÖ and AfD (cf. Bruns/Glösel/Strobl 2018: 159ff.; Weidinger 2021: 255f.). In line with the definition by Richard Stöss[3] and with the assessment of relevant parties, classification as right-wing conservative »alternative media« appears appropriate (cf. auch Meisner 2023).

Conservative activism?

Looking at the media’s owners also helps to classify right-wing »alternative media.« Tichys Einblick was set up in 2014 by the former Editor in Chief of Wirtschaftswoche, Roland Tichy. In its early days in particular, the »liberal-conservative opinion magazine« was presumably funded predominantly by Tichy himself – a leading actor in economic liberal networks for many years (for example, he was a former Chair of the CDU-aligned Ludwig-Erhard-Stiftung; cf. Demmel 2021: 54). Majority shareholder of eXXpress, founded in 2021, is attorney Eva Schütz, who was previously Deputy Chief of Cabinet in the ÖVP-led Ministry of Finance. Her husband was also a major donor to the ÖVP (cf. Fidler 2023: 183f.). NIUS is funded by the German information technology expert and businessman Frank Gotthardt, whose previous roles include Honorary Chair of the CDU Business Council in the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate (cf. Wienand 2024b).[4]

All the financial backers thus have one thing in common: All of them have or had close links to conservative parties or institutions. What motivates people with roots in the civil establishment to set up a polarizing »alternative medium?« So far, the actors have publicly stated that they do not consider the German-language media landscape sufficiently diverse or politically balanced (cf. Mittelstaedt 2024; Wienand 2024b; Messner 2024: 14ff.). It is impossible to assess categorically whether they are also pursuing their own (economic) interests. It is more likely that running a »confrontation portal« can be interpreted more as an activist version of conservatism that aims to break with previous conventions (in this case in media ethics) (on this, cf. Biebricher 2023: 50f.).[5] Political scientist Natascha Strobl sees them as an expression of a radicalized conservatism that, among other aspects, is conducting a »fight against the established media system« (cf. Strobl 2021: 112; 121f.).

Professional journalists

One major difference from many other »alternative media« lies in the staffing of the editorial offices in the projects examined here. A defining aspect of earlier alternative media was that their content was produced by protest groups, amateurs or lay journalists (cf. Atton 2011: 15ff.; Hooffacker 2020: 252). This criterion may still apply to some far-right periodicals. The editorial teams of FPÖ-aligned »alternative media,« for example, largely comprise(d) political activists and (former) FPÖ functionaries (cf. Goetz 2021: 40ff.).

In contrast, it is noticeable that Tichys Einblick, eXXpress and NIUS are or were all led by (formerly) established journalists. All are marked by a certain »damper« in their journalistic careers: From the start, the Editor in Chief of Tichys Einblick has been Roland Tichy, who appears to have been previously dismissed from his position at Wirtschaftswoche against his will (cf. Wiegand 2014: 10f.). Editor in Chief of eXXpress from 2021 to 2024 was tabloid journalist Richard Schmitt, who was forced to leave Kronen Zeitung after the release of the »Ibiza video« (cf. Fidler 2023: 182f.). And at NIUS, the former Bild Editor in Chief Julian Reichelt is both Executive Director and arguably its best-known writer. Reichelt was dismissed from Bild in 2021 after being publicly accused of abuse of power (cf. Weidemann/Hanfeld 2021).

Tichy, Schmitt and Reichelt presumably still see themselves as journalists, albeit journalists who want to fight back against what they see as the »uniformity«[6] of their profession.[7] In this sense, these journalists are reminiscent of the authoritarian innovator type researched by Oliver Nachtwey – a group of people who consider themselves pushed to the side by liberal elites, among others, and react to this with »institutionally subversive« behavior (cf. Nachtwey/Heumann 2019: 441ff.). Also striking is the provocative, sometimes aggressive rhetoric that Tichy, Schmitt and Reichelt use in public appearances; the term »group-focused enmity,«[8] made famous by Wilhelm Heitmeyer, is also worth noting in this context (Heitmeyer 2018: 310).

Support from political parties

The final notable feature is the relationship between policymakers and the players examined here. This highlights another difference from the »alternative media« of the far right: With the exception of the FPÖ and AfD, the political parties have so far shown little willingness to support this kind of publication in any way, for example with advertising or interviews.[9] In contrast, politicians of various leanings have had far fewer reservations about right-wing conservative »alternative media.« In line with the idea of a »beacon alternative medium,« the convergence with the »mainstream« that they criticize is clear: eXXpress, for example, last year received public funding in the form of adverts from ÖVP-led ministries (cf. Winter/Leibetseder 2023). Furthermore, the most regular interviewees in the eXXpress television studio alongside the FPÖ are representatives of the ÖVP. Numerous well-known politicians have now also appeared on NIUS – particularly CDU politicians, for example on the talk show »Schuler! Fragen, was ist« (cf. Rosenkranz 2024). Tichys Einblick also featured the voices of various political actors prominently from day one, for example in the form of (guest) columns[10] or on the associated video channel.[11]

Despite this, many politicians still appear to display reluctance, even distaste, regarding the »alternative media« examined here. Apart from a very few exceptions, representatives of left-wing liberal parties are almost never seen in Tichys Einblick, eXXpress or NIUS. This may be linked to the editorial policy of the publications in question. Firstly, they clearly display goodwill towards right-wing populist actors, for example Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and the Chair of the WerteUnion, Hans-Georg Maaßen. Secondly, the reporting takes the form of almost frenetic campaign journalism against the Green party and their policies (cf. e.g., Demmel 2021: 10; Wienand 2024a). It therefore comes as no surprise that appearances by politicians in Tichys Einblick, eXXpress and NIUS are largely limited to the conservative to right-wing spectrum.


So far, right-wing conservative »alternative media« have had mixed success in the German-speaking world. In late 2023, for example, it was revealed that eXXpress was heavily in debt and was forced to release all its reserves (cf. Mark/Schmid 2023). This situation may primarily be linked to the fact that the magazine was courting a reader market already occupied by other right-wing »alternative media« (cf. Bartlau/Posselt 2023). In addition, the decision to fund a right-wing conservative »confrontation portal« still carries the risk of a certain loss of reputation, as seen recently in the case of Frank Gotthardt (cf. Hartmann 2024). It remains to be seen whether Tichys Einblick, eXXpress and NIUS can successfully integrate into the public sphere of civil society in the long term (on this, cf. Hooffacker 2020: 259).

Another factor in the future success of right-wing conservative »alternative media« could be the extent to which political actors contribute to their acceptance. Despite fierce criticism of their reporting from experts, many politicians have so far had no qualms about continuing to cooperate with the »alternative media« investigated here. This is surprising, given that politicians in particular play a key role in attracting attention to a medium beyond its target audience. Against this backdrop, there is now more intensive discussion in the public sphere regarding whether political actors should appear in a medium like NIUS and whether such appearances give social acceptability to methods that display questionable media ethics (cf. recently Niggemeier 2024).

About the author

Luis Paulitsch, MA is a lawyer, historian and media ethicist from Vienna. He was a consultant to the Austrian Press Council for many years. Since 2024, Paulitsch has been working for the Datum Foundation for Journalism and Democracy.


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1 Since July 16, 2024, the German Ministry of the Interior has banned Compact magazine.

2 Tichys Einblick describes itself as a being directed towards an audience who are »fed up with patronizing mainstream journalism« and »think for themselves;« eXXpress is directed at »self-thinkers;« NIUS sees itself as the »voice of the majority« against the »activists […] who spoon-feed citizens or even force them into lockstep.«

3 Used to »strengthen conservative values, for a strong state, for calm, order and security« and to halt progressive developments in social policy (e.g., multiculturalism, European integration), but also »no affinity with ethnic nationalism« (Stöss 2013: 578).

4 In May 2024, it was also revealed that the company behind NIUS holds a 25 percent share in eXXpress (cf. Fidler 2024).

5 On this, see also an interview with Julian Reichelt (NIUS), in which he argues that the language is »completely left-wing even in right-wing media,« which »need to be completely thrown overboard (…) blown up« with a new media brand (min 7:35), available at (20.05.2024).

6 Tichy spoke at a conference hosted by the Libertatem Stiftung of a »uniformity of reporting (…) because the journalists think uniformly and constantly back one another up« (1:02), available at (23 May 2024).

7 See also Schmitt at a conference hosted by the Orbán-aligned Mathias Corvinus Collegium, where he claimed that today’s »mainstream media« drum into people »that they should be in favor of woke, gender and immigration« (quoted in MTI 2023).

8 In line with this social category, civilized, gracious conduct is used to thinly veil authoritarian opinions that become visible »usually in the form of rhetoric that becomes more furious.«

9 For example, (accidental) interviews by the far-right magazine Info-DIREKT with ÖVP and SPÖ politicians later led to public apologies (cf. Kapeller 2019).

10 For example the FDP politician Frank Schäffler or the former CDU Families Minister Kristina Schröder.

11 For example, long-standing Die Linke politician Diether Dehm joined Roland Tichy as host of the talk show Streit-Bar in 2024.

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Luis Paulitsch: Counter-narratives for »self-thinkers«. An attempt to classify right-wing conservative »alternative media«. In: Journalism Research, Vol. 7 (2), 2024, pp. 199-207. DOI: 10.1453/2569-152X-22024-14248-en




First published online

August 2024